The Unopened Treasure Chest

I have gotten to spend the last few weeks talking to some highly creative people about their process in creating, the challenges and joys they face and the outcome of putting out finished work through our “Curators Cup Podcast”. It has been my joy to sit down and ask questions to give people the platform to tell their story, I am going to attempt to sit down and reflect on some things that I have learned.

If you read last weeks post I wrestled about this feeling I called the “need” to create and why it has been a bitter sweet feeling. It is wild to see how in just one week, again writing a post for content I no longer am driven by that need but out of a deep desire to share with you what i’m learning. I hope that gives you encouragement that seasons change, and feelings are fleeting. So as much as I want to create the space to feel “feelings” I want to encourage you to not put your hope and worth in them.

In talking with people who are creating content on a regular basis I have been inspired to share with you guys some of the things I have been excited to create, hence my “unopened treasure chest”. The “Curators Cup Podcast” has been my attempt to unlock this treasure chest. If you’ve known me for any amount of time you know that I have about 100 pipe dreams, big ideas, endeavors that will probably never see the light of day. We created this podcast to build a space for people to inspire and push the people like me who have a treasure chest of creations to unlock that chest and produce something. I mention often that the process of creating is sometimes more important than the thing you are producing, but I am also convinced that when people create something they partner with God in restoring our world and making it a more beautiful place. So in a moment of vulnerability I am going to pull something out of the treasure chest for you.

I have been writing music/poems for most of my life, I would say that music/poetry has been one of the greatest tools for me personally to wrestle through depression, to experience life change, and even celebrate incredibly beautiful moments of my life. The reality is though, most people who know me have never read a single poem i’ve written or heard a song I’ve made. So i’m going to drink my own medicine so to speak and put out one of my poems. This one is called “the voyage”


Empty compassion creates a conflict

mindless morality motivates me.

Im left in this isolation

but theirs a captain who can save me.

He gave it all away and pulled me up from desolation

toward a kingdom this world tries to kill.

His crew a remnant of dead men

completely abandoned for their captain,

committed to this voyage demanding their lives.

As I look forward towards the destination of freedom I can’t help but wonder,

do I have a place on this ship?”

Trent TimbrookComment