Posts tagged justice
I am learning that I have much to learn, and it starts with listening.

How do we process the things that each of us bring to the table, especially around an explosive topic like the protests that a large group of our country are participating in. Regardless of what side of the protest line you stand on, I think we can all agree that it is our country given right to protest according to the first amendment. Where I believe the difference lies is in the reason people protest, and perhaps the method, though I would argue the last two major reason to protest were carried out in far more similar ways than people may realize.

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I will never move the needle, I'm learning to be okay with that.

Our Black brothers and sisters are made in the image of God. Their lives matter. I pray that when we say “black lives matter” we will no longer be met with hostility but a resounding AMEN as people of every color, tribe, and lounge in the kingdom of God are willing to attribute value to others. To empathize with people who see differently. Who love their neighbors. Who partner with God in restoring our world.

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